Xnet points out possible improvements to the text of the Organic Law for the comprehensive protection of children and teenagers from violence or “Rhodes Law” from the perspective of whistleblowers who comply with the obligation to report established by the law.
The text submitted for public consultation by the Government ( https://www.mscbs.gob.es/proteccion_integral_violencia_menores.pdf ) has been improved to tighten confidentiality and protection provisions.
The issue also raises the importance on the obligations on competent authorities to accept anonymous report, as is topical for the transposition of the EU Directive on Whistleblowing into Spanish Law. Xnet has drafted a comprehensive legislative proposal ( https://xnet-x.net/proposicion-ley-proteccion-integral-alertadores/ ) to implement the Directive beyond minimal standards to reflect international best practice consensus.
More information [ES]:
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