We are organizing the European Conference 4D – Democratic Digitalization and Digital Rights

(Es) Presentamos nuevo libro -> Digitalización Democrática – Soberanía Digital para las Personas

(Es) La insostenible tecnofobia de la izquierda + soluciones a la desinformación

(Es) #ChatControl – Lanzamos campaña contra la ley de monitorización automatizada de las conversaciones íntimas de la ciudadanía europea – CSAR

(Es) Nuestro Plan de #DigitalizaciónDemocrática se une a Open Future y Commons Network para infraestructura democrática en la UE

Xnet presents in the European Parliament: Proposal for a Sovereign and Democratic Digitalisation of Europe

(Es) Acto de reconocimiento en el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona a los centros educativos co-creadores de nuestra plataforma DD

(Es) Xnet publica 7 propuestas como “Declaración por una educación digital democrática”

We organize the 1st International Congress on Democratic Digital Education and Open Edtech

(Es) Aprobada una prueba piloto inspirada en nuestro DD en el País Vasco

(Es) Comentario sobre la sentencia del TJUE sobre el artículo 17 de la Directiva Copyright

(Es) Presentación de NotaBLE

Introducing DD: a tool for the Democratic Digitalisation of Education

(Es) Demostración de nuestra nueva herramienta para la digitalización democrática de la educación

Transposition of the Copyright Directive in Spain by Xnet

(Es) Respuesta de Xnet a la consulta pública de la Generalitat sobre la elaboración del proyecto de decreto STEAM y Humanidades

Inventions, Democracy, Copyright and Censorship (II)

Inventions, Democracy, Copyright and Censorship (I)

(Es) Ejemplos históricos de tecnofobia como narrativa antidemocrática

We signed the letter to the EC calling for the protection of fundamental rights in the implementation of Article 17 of the Copyright Directive

(Es) URGENTE – Listo en abril el prototipo para digitalizar los centros educativos sin usar Google o similares

Xnet’s amendments on the Spanish Digital Rights Charter

(Es) El Plan de Digitalización Democrática de la Educación de Xnet tendrá su primer piloto en Barcelona

(Es) Intervención de Simona Levi de Xnet en el diálogo con D. Sassoli, presidente del Parlamento Europeo, U. Von der Leyen, presidenta de la Comisión Europea, el ex presidente R. Prodi y T. Berners-Lee inventor de la web “Acceso a Internet: un nuevo derecho humano”

(Es) COMUNICADO – Reclamamos la digitalización democrática de los centros educativos de Cataluña

We propose improvements to the #LeyRhodes, the Organic Law for the comprehensive protection of children and teenagers against violence from the perspective of digital rights and whistleblowers

The bookbinder and the exorcist: the future of digitalisation in education

(Es) Plan para la Privacidad de Datos y la Digitalización Democrática de la Educación

(Es) Más claridad sobre la utilidad de la inteligencia artificial (IA) y los datos contra la propagación del #COVID19 desde la perspectiva de las libertades civiles

Xnet together with more than 40 digital rights organizations sent an open letter demanding more transparency to the EU in the debate on article 17 of the Copyright Directive.
.@x_net_ together with more than 40 digital rights organizations sent an open letter demanding more transparency to the @EU_Commission in the debate on article 17 of the #Copyright Directive.

(Es) Aportaciones de Xnet a la consulta del Ministerio de Cultura para la transposición de la Directiva Copyright

(Es) No firméis la autorización para utilizar Google Suite en las escuelas

Open Letter: Copyright Working Group Must Include NGO Voices

(Es) Por qué Google, Facebook y las grandes plataformas se benefician de la Directiva Copyright

(Es) Nota de Xnet sobre el Juicio a SeriesYonkis

(Es) Sobre la aprobación de la Directiva Copyright: No lo llames censura, llámalo Derechos de Autor

Copyright: Xnet, among with 85 Edri’s organisations, signs the open letter calling for the deletion of Articles 11 and 13

(Es) Xnet participa en la Copyright Week (14 al 18 de enero)

Xnet with LibertiesEU and Rights Groups Issue Fresh Call as EU Copyright Talks Draw to a Close

(Es) The EU call it copyright, but it is massive Internet censorship and must be stopped

(Es) La Unión Europea crea y difunde FakeNews con tu dinero en nombre del copyright a través de la @EU_ipo

(Es) Comunicado de Xnet – Miembro Fundador en España de la Coalición #SaveYourInternet Sobre la Votación de la Directiva de Copyright

(Es) Días cruciales para el futuro de Internet en Europa – Directiva Copyright

(Es) Stop #CensorshipMachines – NO Art.13: Llamamiento Urgente a la Acción Contra la Censura Algorítmica

Xnet among the 145 International Human and Digital Rights Entities Signing an Open Petition Against EU Copyright Reform
Xnet among the 145 international human and digital rights entities that signed an open petition against the European Union’s copyright reform. http://copybuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Open_Letter_on_Copyright_Reform_27_April_COREPER_Meeting.pdf

Xnet signs the open letter: 59 organizations encourage Axel Voss to delete ancillary copyright from the DSM directive

Xnet together with more than 80 organisations sent an open letter to the EU Council warning of the risks to freedoms of Link Tax
Xnet, together with over 80 organisations representing a broad spectrum of stakeholders, join forces to warn Member states and EU Institutions that the discussion around the Copyright Directive are on the verge of causing irreparable damage. http://copybuzz.com/copyright/november-2017-open-letter-eu-reform/ http://copybuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Open-Letter-COMPET-Council-30-Nov-online.pdf

(Es) España lidera una gravísima amenaza para las libertades, el emprendimiento y el acceso a la información y al conocimiento en Internet

(Es) Xnet y C4C analizamos DOCUMENTOS FILTRADOS que muestran las presiones del Gobierno del PP en favor de la “censura automatizada” de contenido en Internet en la Directiva Europea sobre Copyright – #CensorshipMachine

Article 13 Open letter – Monitoring and Filtering of Internet Content is Unacceptable

(Es) Carta abierta a la Comisión LIBE por la salvaguarda de las libertades civiles y derechos fundamentales dentro de la reforma de la Directiva de Copyright de la Unión Europea

(Es) No al “nuevo” Canon Digital: sigue el saqueo de entidades de gestión y Gobierno

Publishing Industry self-pays the Google Tax to itself in Spain to present the Link Tax idea as feasible

(Es) 5 razones por las que el filtrado de contenido obligatorio es económicamente una mala idea

Fundamental liberties at stake in copyright plan
#SaveTheMeme, stop the copyright #CensorshipMachine

Copyright exceptions and limitations in Europe

Digital Agenda 2017: Xnet’s roadmap to work on urgent subjects with impact on digital rights and freedoms

EU Copyright Reform: taxes, restrictions and censorship or how to cripple the Internet

Leak from EU Commission points to a Link Tax and Internet censorship
Leaked documents from the EU Commission pose serious threats for free expression online. All signs point to the controversial link tax and Internet censorship regulations.

(Es) We <3 Internet & Music
(Es) Love Inerent&Music. La desintermediación continúa y son los artistas emergentes los más beneficiados.
A Digital Single Market for Creativity and Innovation: Reforming Copyright Law without curtailing Internet Freedoms

FCForum 2015 Outcomes on Free Cultrure and Access to Knowledge
We are in the midst of a revolution in the way that knowledge and culture are created, accessed and transformed. Most copyright rules about the information society where written before Youtube, WordPress and Twitter. Needless to say they are outdated and not fitted to the digital explosion and the Internet era. There is an obvious […]

(Es) La Comisión Europea “disfraza” consulta online para promover una TasaGoogle / CanonAEDE a nivel de UE
(Es) La Comisión Europea ‘disfraza’ consulta online para promover #TasaGoogle/#CanonAEDE a nivel de UE

(Es) Pedimos a RTVE que retire su publicidad a la SGAE
(Es) Pedimos a RTVE, TV pública y supuestamente sin publicidad, que retire su propaganda a la SGAE

(Es) Llamamiento a la acción ante el cierre de The Pirate Bay ¿quiénes son los verdaderos piratas?
(Es) Llamamiento a la acción ante el cierre de The Pirate Bay ¿quiénes son los verdaderos piratas?

(Es) Organizaciones Civiles Denuncian los Abusos de la Nueva Ley de Patentes
(Es) El PP pretende sacar adelante Ley de Patentes antes de fin de legislatura #NoPatentesALaVida

Xnet responds to the SGAE in Europe
.@X_net_ responds to SGAE’s (main Spanish CollectingSociety) efforts to stop a positive reform of copyright in Europe

Positive Agenda for a 21st century Copyright reform

(Es) Entra en vigor la nueva Ley de Propiedad Intelectual, posiblemente la ley más estúpida del mundo
(Es) Entra en vigor la nueva Ley de #PropiedadIntelectual, posiblemente la ley más estúpida del mundo #LPI

(Es) Vuelve la censura. PPSOE y UPyD votan reforzar la Ley Sinde hoy martes a las 16:30h
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We organize events to show to the world the work and results we make as civil society, particularly the Free Culture Forum and the oXcars ceremony.

(Es) #NoLeyLassalle – Internet libre o barbarie
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#NoLeyWert – Internet libre o barbarie
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Streaming Conversación Xnet-SGAE
Your browser does not support iframes. Puedes ver el resto de cortes en nuestro canal de Bambuser: http://bambuser.com/channel/X.net

(Es) Carta abierta al gobierno en respuesta a la comparecencia del ministro de cultura José Ignacio Wert en la comisión de cultura del Congreso de los diputados
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(Es) Hacktivistas publica y difunde masivamente una contra-Guía para el buen uso de Internet entre los jóvenes.
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Sustainable Economy Act will harm Internet Is the End of Impunity The summits of ministers are no longer what they were, videos, pictures, events and press clippings

(Es) Declaración y manual: Nuevos modelos sostenibles para la creatividad en la era digital (si no los conocen es porque no quieren)
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(Es) Tumbada “Ley Sinde” en el Congreso: Felicidades! La defensa de internet no está reñida con la defensa de los derechos de los autores

(Es) No Más Pasta Por La Cara: pide la devolución del Canon por Copia Privada

Let’s talk about “money”
State of the art and notes against taxes on internet conexion Some ideas from our practices to be presented at the FcForum 2010 By EXGAE (now Xnet) “More fairness, less compulsoriness” Plenides (400 a. C.) vía J. Cortell Castellano: Vamos a hablar de pasta” In the struggle to reconcile civil rights with the business […]

The ruling of the TJEU on digital levy in Spain will be discussed at the FCForum
Note of the lawyer (member EXGAE, now Xnet) that won the case: In a ruling released today, Thursday October 21st, 2010, the European Court of Justice has ruled that the indiscriminate application of the digital canon or levy in Spain is not in line with European Legislation: The Court deems that there must necessarily be […]

Richard Stallman endorse the Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge
Looking forward to the second edition of the FCForum, the International Forum on Access to Culture and Knowledge in the Digital Era – Organization and Action (FCForum) , that will take place in Barcelona from the 28th till the 31st of October, constant support demonstrations and contributions go on to the work of this civilian […]

(Es) La increíble historia del “Gran-Portal-en-el-que-está-toda-la-música”
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EXGAE is here to stay
(Es) Molina pírate
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Pack de navidad: Apostasía y Aposgasía
Big Christmas Pack. Leaving from SGAE takes between 1 and 3 years. Almost as getting out of a religious organization. Do you need help? ¡Merry Christmas!
Sharing is necessary
Quotation, or the use of fragments from a work, must be defended in all cases as a vehicle for democratic development in the information society. The right to quote must be allowed whenever the work in question has already been made public in advance, whether it is quoted for educational or scientific reasons, or for […]
I co-produced Vicky Cristina Barcelona
On how public funds must have an impact on the public realm and not be privatized. The Woody Allen film Vicky Cristina Barcelona was generously funded by Barcelona City Council. Even when they are intended for commercial exploitation, the products of developments financed by public funds should always be published under free licenses to an […]
We Create. We Decide.
Fair distribution of Royalties and reform of royalties management and collecting societies. At the moment, royalties management societies are a monopoly that hinder the circulation of culture and the returns to its authors. *Ref.: point 2 Legal Demands, paragraph B. Stimulating Creativity and Innovation, Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge: http://fcforum.net/ STOP ACTA […]
The Tracks Collector
Artists must be able to live from their work if they wish to do so. The traffic in authors rights by publishers, recording companies and royalties management societies does not protect the interests of authors. Legal Demands- Stimulating Creativity and Innovation, of the Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge. http://fcforum.net/ STOP ACTA http://d-evolution.fcforum.net/en/
El Cobrador del Track – 2º episodio
You’ll see the Tracks Collector around the city over the next few days. Most of musicians are no longer members of any royalties collection societies, because theyve realised that it goes against their interestsBut they still try to collect money on their behalf, even if they havent signed the management of their authors rights over […]
The Tracks Collector, reality show
You’ll see the Tracks Collector around the city over the next few days. Most of musicians are no longer members of any royalties collection societies, because theyve realised that it goes against their interestsBut they still try to collect money on their behalf, even if they havent signed the management of their authors rights over […]
The missing panel
The Forum for Cultural Industries which has been organised in Barcelona by the Chamber of Commerce, the Spanish Ministry of Culture and the European Committee on Culture and Education as a prelude to the Informal Meeting of the European Unions Ministers of Culture, has omitted to include one panel in its program. We will try […]
Looking for a (North) American friend
Every year, private US industry lobbies exert an invasive pressure on the Spanish Executive through their Special 301 Report on countries that require special surveillance because of their disobedience to the interests of Hollywood entertainment multinationals. This report names Spain as one of its top offenders and stigmatizes the whole of Spanish society as pirates. […]
Xnet presenta: entregando el pato gigante al Foro Europeo de las Industrias Culturales
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(D’) Evolution Summit: “Los Beneficios de la Cultura”
Giving music to hairdressers vs the greed that refuses to understand the future
In Spain, the SGAE charges hairdressing salons for having the radio on, and they charge radio stations for broadcasting the same content. They use a flat fee that disregards whether the material broadcast is part of its repertory or not. They charge for everything, twice over. STOP ACTA http://d-evolution.fcforum.net/

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(Es) ‘La lista de Sinde’ llega al Ministerio de Indústria
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A PARTIR DE HOY, RED Y LIBERTAD: Texto fundacional de Red SOStenible
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(Es) Manifiesto: En defensa de los derechos fundamentales en Internet
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In response to pressure from the lobbies of the culture industry on the European Parliament and national parliaments, a gigantic worldwide coalition will ensure respect for the civil rights of citizens and artists in the digital age. https://fcforum.net/en/

(Es) Sinde pírate!

Free Culture Game
Created by Molleindustria, is an abstract art piece that attempts to articulate the interplay between the commons and cultural companies. CC BY-NC-SA license.

Inauguración de la EXGAE – 14 de Mayo
Silence is gold