Technopolitics and artivism. Updated Democracy to the digital era. Political R+D method. Citizen surveillance of power - Xnet - Internet freedoms & digital rights

Technopolitics and artivism. Updated Democracy to the digital era. Political R+D method. Citizen surveillance of power

Tactics, digital tools and artivism for political action. Networked democracy, new prototypes of citizen self-organization based on pragmatism. Political R&D method to achieve a democracy of the 21st century.

In addition to being a technology, we consider the Internet as a historical era in which citizens have an obligation to harness its potential to democratize society, empower ourselves as individuals, and facilitate access to knowledge without intermediaries.
From our inception, at Xnet, we have been pioneers and have dedicated a significant part of our work to the development and use of digital tools, communication strategies, advocacy devices, and viral campaigns to exert pressure on various fronts, promoting the formation of an active and responsible citizenry in governance. We have played a promoting and active role in key events like the 15M movement in 2011 and many others.
Since 2018, we have been organizing the Postgraduate Program in Technopolitics and Rights in the Digital Era in Barcelona.
For several years, we have been working on tools and methodologies that the Internet teaches us, applying them to new forms of political self-organization based on pragmatism, defending justice, and effectively updating democracy in the analog world.
Our efforts revolve around translating the distributed (and NOT horizontal) governance of the network into an updated global governance.
If you want to learn more about this work -> Our work has served as an inspiration to propel the Partido X forward.


In this section

(Es) Xnet pide a Fiscalía que investigue si hay delitos en la gestión del transporte público durante el Covid y hace un llamamiento a la ciudadanía

(Es) Xnet pide a Fiscalía que investigue si hay delitos en la gestión del transporte público durante el Covid y hace un llamamiento a la ciudadanía

(Es) Denunciamos que durante el Covid, las administraciones y titulares responsables del transporte público ferroviario ponen en riesgo la salud de los usuarios.
(Es) La Ley Castor para que ACS asuma los costes y no la ciudadanía  del Grupo Ciudadano Caso Castor que componemos junto con OdG y IDHC es presentada al Senado por Compromís

(Es) La Ley Castor para que ACS asuma los costes y no la ciudadanía del Grupo Ciudadano Caso Castor que componemos junto con OdG y IDHC es presentada al Senado por Compromís

(Es) La Proposición Ley Castor del Grupo Ciudadano Caso Castor se presenta al Senado por Compromís para que los costes los asuma ACS y no la ciudadanía.
(Es) Como Grupo Ciudadano Caso Castor creamos una Proposición de Ley para que el Castor no lo paguemos la gente sino quien lo ha causado

(Es) Como Grupo Ciudadano Caso Castor creamos una Proposición de Ley para que el Castor no lo paguemos la gente sino quien lo ha causado

(Es) El grupo Caso Castor promueve una Proposición de Ley en el Congreso: El gasto del Castor tiene que pagarlo quien lo ha generado y no la ciudadanía.

About Incompetence and/or Irregularities in the Design, Management and Implementation of Barcelona Municipal Public Policies concerning the Internet, Technology and Digital Innovation related with Digital Rights

(Es) Los derechos relacionados con Internet, Tecnología e Innovación Digital son nuestro ámbito de actuación desde hace 10 años. Creemos que no hace falta extenderse mucho en esto porque nuestro trabajo es conocido y de referencia en la ciudad de Barcelona, a nivel de Catalunya, estatal y europeo.

Sharing is necessary

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I co-produced Vicky Cristina Barcelona

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We Create. We Decide.

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The Tracks Collector

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The missing panel

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Looking for a (North) American friend

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Silence is gold

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