Net Neutrality - Save the Internet

Digital Rights, Data, AI and Net Neutrality

We are fighting to defend the Internet as a tool for improving the quality of democracy and against cuts in civil rights in the digital age.
We dedicate a significant part of our work to preventing constant attempts to apply a state of exception in the digital sphere, which suspends basic freedoms as a preliminary step before suspending them in the physical space as well.
We address issues such as data protection, inviolability of communications, algorithmic accountability, digitalization, and artificial intelligence in the service of people.
Our personal and behavioral data, as well as our communications, are part of our private life and should be treated as such.
It is essential to fight for these uses to be for the common good, so that everyone can benefit from this knowledge, and not to be used in a proprietary manner to create an immense state of profiling and control over the population.
In this regard, among several of our activities, you can find our report #DatosPorLiebre.
We also defend net neutrality, as a founding principle of the Internet. It ensures that all data circulating through the network is treated equally and is crucial to maintaining an Internet that is non-discriminatory, diverse, innovative, and free, preserving our freedoms of access and information distribution.
Many governments and telecommunications companies aim to end this principle and turn the Internet into another form of television.
Since our foundation, we have been part of and promoted coalitions like Save The Internet, Red Sostenible (Sustainable Network), and Internet no será otra televisión (The Internet will not be another television) to defend the Internet’s principles.

Defend net neutrality, save the internet!
Defend net neutrality, save the internet!