(Es) Xnet pide a Fiscalía que investigue si hay delitos en la gestión del transporte público durante el Covid y hace un llamamiento a la ciudadanía

(Es) Xnet pide a Fiscalía que investigue si hay delitos en la gestión del transporte público durante el Covid y hace un llamamiento a la ciudadanía

(Es) Denunciamos que durante el Covid, las administraciones y titulares responsables del transporte público ferroviario ponen en riesgo la salud de los usuarios.
(Es) Intervención de Simona Levi de Xnet en el diálogo con D. Sassoli, presidente del Parlamento Europeo, U. Von der Leyen, presidenta de la Comisión Europea, el ex presidente R. Prodi y T. Berners-Lee inventor de la web “Acceso a Internet: un nuevo derecho humano”

(Es) Intervención de Simona Levi de Xnet en el diálogo con D. Sassoli, presidente del Parlamento Europeo, U. Von der Leyen, presidenta de la Comisión Europea, el ex presidente R. Prodi y T. Berners-Lee inventor de la web “Acceso a Internet: un nuevo derecho humano”

(Es) Simona Levi de Xnet con D. Sassoli, U. Von der Leyen, R. Prodi y T. Berners-Lee en el diálogo de emergencia "Acceso a Internet: un nuevo derecho humano".
Xnet together with more than 40 digital rights organizations sent an open letter demanding more transparency to the EU in the debate on article 17 of the Copyright Directive.

Xnet together with more than 40 digital rights organizations sent an open letter demanding more transparency to the EU in the debate on article 17 of the Copyright Directive.

.@x_net_ together with more than 40 digital rights organizations sent an open letter demanding more transparency to the @EU_Commission in the debate on article 17 of the #Copyright Directive.

Two years of net neutrality in Europe – 31 NGOs urge to guarantee non-discriminatory treatment of communications

Two years of net neutrality in Europe – 31 NGOs urge to guarantee non-discriminatory treatment of communications

(Es) Xnet entre las 31 organizaciones de derechos humanos y civiles que enviaron una carta abierta a la Comisión Europea y al Organismo de Reguladores Europeos de las Comunicaciones Electrónicas.
(Es) Xnet ha recabado el apoyo de Compromís, ERC y En Marea para sus 4 proposiciones de ley sobre renovación democrática y lucha contra la corrupción en el futuro Congreso

(Es) Xnet ha recabado el apoyo de Compromís, ERC y En Marea para sus 4 proposiciones de ley sobre renovación democrática y lucha contra la corrupción en el futuro Congreso

(Es) Xnet ha recabado el apoyo de @Compromis, @Esquerra_ERC y @En_Marea para sus 4 proposiciones de ley sobre renovación democrática y lucha contra la corrupción en el Congreso
Copyright: Xnet, among with 85 Edri’s organisations, signs the open letter calling for the deletion of Articles 11 and 13

Copyright: Xnet, among with 85 Edri’s organisations, signs the open letter calling for the deletion of Articles 11 and 13

Xnet together with 85 EDRI organisations has signed the open letter we sent to European Parliamentarians to break the deadlock in the negotiations of the new copyright directive by removing Articles 11 and 13
(Es) Carta a la Ministra Delgado sobre la postura de España en la regulación europea de e-evidence (pruebas electrónicas)

(Es) Carta a la Ministra Delgado sobre la postura de España en la regulación europea de e-evidence (pruebas electrónicas)

(Es) Xnet y las organizaciones de derechos digitales piden a los Estados Miembros de la UE reconsiderar su posición sobre el acceso de las fuerzas del orden a los datos y "pruebas electrónicas"
Xnet and international organizations urge the EU Council to improve online privacy

Xnet and international organizations urge the EU Council to improve online privacy

(Es) Xnet y más de 30 asociaciones de consumidores internacionales, ONGs y empresa, instan al Consejo del a UE para que se acelere la reforma de la privacidad en línea
Basic how-to guide for preserving fundamental rights on the Internet

Basic how-to guide for preserving fundamental rights on the Internet

Sources for update: https://www.localizationlab.org/blog/2022/2/27/digital-security-assessment-amp-list-of-localized-tools-in-ukrainian https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/attending-protest   Everything explained in this guide is to protect the inviolability of our communications, our right to privacy and freedom of political opinion, expression and access to information, all of them fundamental rights that have been legally recognized for centuries. It is important that legal doctrines that blame the tools […]

STASI is Back: Xnet condemns serious dangers for Civil Rights in the Draft Law against Corruption and for Whistle-blower Protection now presented in the Spanish Parliament

STASI is Back: Xnet condemns serious dangers for Civil Rights in the Draft Law against Corruption and for Whistle-blower Protection now presented in the Spanish Parliament

STASI is Back: Xnet condemns serious dangers for Civil Rights in the Draft Law against Corruption and for Whistleblower Protection in the Spanish Parliament
Free Culture Forum 2015 OUTCOMES

Free Culture Forum 2015 OUTCOMES

Documents produced by the working groups in the Free Culture Forum 2015 for citizen action in: Net Neutrality, Freedom of Expression and Right to Information VS Trade Secrets, Copyright Positive Agenda, Transparency & Privacy, Right to Privacy and Encryption VS Mass Surveillance…

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Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge

Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge

Citizens’ and Artists’ Rights in the Digital Age Immediate and urgent solutions A broad coalition from over 20 countries, of citizens, users, consumers, organizations, artists, hackers, members of the free culture movement, economists, lawyers, teachers, students, researchers, scientists, activists, workers, unemployed, entrepreneurs, creators…, invites all citizens to make this Charter theirs, share it and put […]

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Sustainable Models for Creativity in the Digital Age

Sustainable Models for Creativity in the Digital Age

We can no longer put off re-thinking the economic structures that have been producing, financing and funding culture up until now. Many of the old models have become anachronistic and detrimental to civil society. The aim of this document is to promote innovative strategies to defend and extend the sphere in which human creativity and […]

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