Fights for citizen liberties. National and international Networks

We promote citizen action platforms such as oXcars, FCForum, Molina Pírate, Sinde Pírate, RedSostenible, stop-ACTA, Blackout Europe, D-evolution Summit, Internet no será otra televisión, oXcars, FcForum, Aritmética 20N, 15M, 15Mparato, Partido X, VdeVivienda…
The articulation of relationships with other collectives, citizen lobbies, and networks is crucial to achieve significant international objectives, avoid duplicating efforts, and exchange practices and knowledge. Over the years, based on work in specific projects, Xnet has built an extensive network of contacts in international activism and established peer-to-peer relationships with dozens of groups and organizations.
It is our ability as individuals to participate in civic life that creates democracy.
Xnet works along these lines, advising other collectives fully committed to the fight for these types of freedoms on new tools, network democracy, new forms of citizen organization, etc., as well as directly participating in civil society campaigns.



Presence and influence in the networks on several tematic areas; impulse and reference in campaigns



Main nodes & interactions in the “#SpanishTransparencyFail” & “#TransparenciaRealYA” campaigns in 2012


Presence & influence in the “#SpanishTransparencyFail” & “#TransparenciaRealYA” campaigns in 2012
1 @bufetalmeida 549
2 @democraciareal 538
3 @x_net_ 267
4 @15mparato 201
5 @patrihorrillo 155
6 @sunotissima 116
7 @atlante83 114
8 @madrilonia 71
9 @matttneuf 61
10 @subirats9 61
11 @quodlibetat 56
12 @meiwd 56
13 @ujce 56
14 @auditciudadana 45
15 @dry_mallorca 44
16 @tuderechoasaber 42
17 @torbe_ 41
18 @facemar 40
19 @toret 38
20 @15mbruselas 36
1 @democraciareal 0,020971302
2 @bufetalmeida 0,01986755
3 @x_net_ 0,01655629
4 @nacionred 0,01655629
5 @upyd 0,013245033
6 @eldiarioes 0,008830022
7 @patrihorrillo 0,008830022
8 @avaaz 0,0077262693
9 @axebra 0,0077262693
10 @marianorajoy 0,0077262693
11 @access_info 0,0077262693
12 @subirats9 0,0077262693
13 @spiegelonline 0,0066225166
14 @energiareal 0,0066225166
15 @barcelonarealya 0,0066225166
16 @jdelacueva 0,0066225166
17 @dcabo 0,005518764
18 @manjenet 0,005518764
19 @portdebarcelona 0,005518764
20 @madrilonia 0,005518764



Xnet promotes the NOalTTIP Twitter account and makes it available to the public to coordinate action days against TTIP and online campaigns.


Main nodes & interactions on “#NOalTTIP” (NO to TTIP) in 2014 and 2015


Presence & influence in the networks on the subject “NOalTTIP” (NO to TTIP) in 2014 and 2015
1 @democraciareal 6378
2 @attacespana 6157
3 @noalttip 5156
4 @tomkucharz 3169
5 @amigostierraesp 3049
6 @ecologistas 3034
7 @ahorapodemos 2017
8 @cupnacional 1970
9 @catnoalttip 1555
10 @socialcumbres 1541
11 @equo 1268
12 @teresarodr_ 1207
13 @nefeerr 1137
14 @attacelx 1041
15 @attacmadrid 1034
16 @x_net_ 932
17 @auditciudadana 918
18 @mareasciudadana 858
19 @partido_x 847
20 @zurine3 837




Main nodes & interactions on “#SGAE” Spanish collecting society) from 2012 to 2015


Presence & influence in the networks on the subject “#SGAE” (Spanish collecting society) from 2012 to 2015
1 @el_pais 1618
2 @ruthiliana46 598
3 @newsontuiter 507
4 @x_net_ 471
5 @partido_pirata 440
6 @20m 435
7 @sgaeactualidad 343
8 @sr_dios 246
9 @lavozdegalicia 240
10 @rtve 231
11 @efenoticias 186
12 @ninesgrec 156
13 @soydelbierzo 145
14 @pedraken 127
15 @fanetin 123
16 @europapress 121
17 @324cat 109
18 @abc_cultura 105
19 @voz_populi 101
20 @publico_es 83
1 @el_pais 0,0247
2 @sgaeactualidad 0,0183
3 @elmundoes 0,0097
4 @dbravo 0,0096
5 @rtve 0,0073
6 @x_net_ 0,0071
7 @efenoticias 0,0063
8 @elpais_cultura 0,0056
9 @eccultura 0,0050
10 @elconfidencial 0,0050
11 @edans 0,0049
12 @lavozdegalicia 0,0047
13 @eldiarioes 0,0038
14 @abc_es 0,0037
15 @eleconomistaes 0,0035
16 @fundacionsgae 0,0033
17 @julioalonso 0,0031
18 @adslzone 0,0031
19 @nacionred 0,0028
20 @tiolavaaraaa 0,0028


# Neutralidad de la Red

(Also, more rencently, in the #SaveTheInternet campaign)

Neutralidad de la Red

Main nodes & interactions on “Neutralidad de la Red” (Net Neutrality) de 2012 a 2014


Presence & influence in the networks on the subject “Neutralidad de la Red” (Net Neutrality) de 2012 a 2014
1 @fayerwayer 1259
2 @derechosdigital 833
3 @hipertextual 690
4 @xataka 569
5 @actualidadrt 482
6 @netparatodosmx 441
7 @x_net_ 438
8 @sergiojose 398
9 @edans 380
10 @iunida 371
11 @genbeta 370
12 @aracalacana 309
13 @elandroidelibre 301
14 @tumbolian 284
15 @cibernautaspri 225
16 @aristeguionline 223
17 @agenciatelam 216
18 @el_pais 196
19 @luiscarlos 194


# OXcars & FCForum

Oxcars FCForum Twitter

Main nodes and interactions in the networks of “OXcars” & “FCForum” community


# SindePirate


Main nodes and interactions in the “#SindePirate” campaign in 2010 and 2011


Presence & influence in the networks in the “#SindePirate” campaign in 2010 and 2011
(@sindepirate was also created by Xnet)
1 @x_net_ 299
2 @sindepirate 54
3 @josepjover 42
4 @isaachacksimov 33
5 @fred_ssc 27
6 @acampadabcn 24
7 @enrikap 15
8 @unforgiven_too 13
9 @_santics_ 10
10 @democraciareal 7
11 @iamroberto 6
12 @julioalonso 6
13 @rafaosuna 5
14 @insultarte 5
15 @pedrojimenez 5
16 @toret 5
17 @rafibiris 5
18 @sunotissima 5
19 @piruletaklo 4
20 @galapita 4
1 @x_net_ 0,0631
2 @psoe 0,0498
3 @el_pais 0,0266
4 @alexdelaiglesia 0,0266
5 @sindepirate 0,0233
6 @pedrojimenez 0,0166
7 @ciu 0,0133
8 @rafaosuna 0,0133
9 @ppopular 0,0133
10 @marinapibernat 0,0133
11 @buenafuente 0,0133
12 @pastranec 0,0100
13 @nacionred 0,0100
14 @gonzalezsinde 0,0100
15 @isaacgonzalez 0,0100
16 @carlesm 0,0100
17 @rtve 0,0100
18 @desdelamoncloa 0,0100
19 @jesusencinar 0,0100
20 @rnovoa 0,0100



Main nodes and interactions on the subject “#LeySinde” en 2011


# MolinaPirate



Main nodes and interactions in the “@MolinaPirate” campaign in 2009 and 2010


Presencia e influencia en las redes en la campaña “@MolinaPirate” in 2009 and 2010
1 @x_net_ 8
2 @molinapirate 4
3 @txipi 1
4 @adelgado 0
5 @cesar_a_molina 0
6 @xanninguen 0
7 @rebelion001 0
8 @torresburriel 0
9 @jaleon 0
10 @dersony 0
11 @philippecalvo 0
12 @afontcu 0
13 @mierdaconarroz 0
14 @mathieudt 0
15 @gigabiktor 0
16 @gaeddal 0
17 @spyder46 0
18 @patxangas 0
19 @pedrojimenez 0
20 @dmbatanero 0
1 @molinapirate 0,6332
2 @txipi 0,0069
3 @adelgado 0,0069
4 @x_net_ 0,0000
5 @cesar_a_molina 0,0000
6 @xanninguen 0,0000
7 @rebelion001 0,0000
8 @torresburriel 0,0000
9 @jaleon 0,0000
10 @dersony 0,0000
11 @philippecalvo 0,0000
12 @afontcu 0,0000
13 @mierdaconarroz 0,0000
14 @mathieudt 0,0000
15 @gigabiktor 0,0000
16 @gaeddal 0,0000
17 @spyder46 0,0000
18 @patxangas 0,0000
19 @pedrojimenez 0,0000
20 @dmbatanero 0,0000