It is vital that the work we make as a civil society reaches all kinds of people so we can share its positive results with everyone. We help to create events, and spread the replication of successful events far and wide in different locations.
4D European Conference
4D European Conference – Democratic digitalisation and Digital Rights. Organised by Fundació.cat and Xnet.

1st International Congress on Democratic Digital Education and Open Edtech
We organized the first course on Culture of Democratic Digitalisation in Education · Rights, Culture and EdTech.

Hazte Banquero
Open source data theatre which tells the plot we (Xnet and 15MpaRato) revealed with the “Correos de Blesa” (Blesa’s Emails), some 8,000 leaked emails, which brought to light the “Black Card” scandal (read: tax-free, corporate credit card for Caja Madrid-Bankia cronies), is the story of how the so-called crisis was brought about. The play has arisen from necessity. The need to know the truth about our history at the time it is happening.

Advanced Realities 2
This Interactive performance conference offers to crisis-struck governments, political parties and the powers that be, solutions to pacify their citizens’ discontent, to clear up all misunderstandings and to stop citizens taking their rights into their own hands.

We periodically organise the Free Culture Forum (FcForum) and the oXcars ceremony. Two events of international relevance.
Clip of the oXcars 2013 (es)
Clip of the oXcars 2012
Clip of the oXcars 2011
Clip of the oXcars 2010
Clip of the oXcars 2009
Clip of the oXcars 2008
The Best of oXcars 2008-2011
Forum for the acces to the culture and the knowledge
The rights of the citizens and artists in the digital era
Inn Motion Festival
Applied Performing Arts Festival.

Last posts on:
Free Open Culture [videos & more]
- Technopolitics and Rights in the Digital Era – Postdegree directed by Simona Levi, Cristina Ribas and David Bondia (Oct.-Dec.)
- We are organizing the European Conference 4D – Democratic Digitalization and Digital Rights
- (Es) Presentamos nuevo libro -> Digitalización Democrática – Soberanía Digital para las Personas
- (Es) La insostenible tecnofobia de la izquierda + soluciones a la desinformación
- (Es) #ChatControl – Lanzamos campaña contra la ley de monitorización automatizada de las conversaciones íntimas de la ciudadanía europea – CSAR