
Yes, OXCARS and FCForum are back!

Like every other year – and this one more than ever Xnet invites everybody to participate in the 3rd oXcars edition, the greatest free culture event of all times, in collaboration with Conservas and Telenoika -also EXGAE members- and this year with the help of Red SOStenible and the social networks.

28th – 31st october 2010

Artists from all the spheres of national and international culture participate in a full surprise gala for demanding that culture stop being a merchandise of the cultural industries lobbies. In the name of the “artists” they put obstacles on our access to knowledge even though artist don’t support them. The civil society reclaim the lost profit to all knowledge that is being retained and steal from the public use in the name of private benefits. We don’t want to nurture generations of cultural parasites, we want a cultural field, alive and productive.

Over 100 artists will contribute on this 100% SGAE-free event, including the writer José Luis Sampedro, member of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the writer Belén Gopegui, and the famous gastroblogger Txaber Allué, as well as At Versaris, Kate Madison, Akram Khan, Ploomba, Koulomek and other surprises that we’re not going to give away, like an starting appearance of the Pinkertones.

October 28th, 21ºº hrs.- Sala Apolo, Nou de la Rambla, 113 Metro: Paral.lel

And, then… The FCForum 2010

Citizens will continue to work on the task of conceiving a digital era that is sustainable and benefits everybody. The oXcars will be followed by the 3-day FCForum, the 2nd International Forum on Access to Culture and Knowledge in the Digital Era, which is organised by EXGAE together with the international FCForum platform, in collaboration with Arts Santa Mònica.

The FCForum 2010 will assemble the main organisations and active voices in the world of Culture, free/libre knowledge and the new forms of cultural production and distribution.

The FCForum is a open space to all citizens, to everybody who is seriously working towards achieving a legal and economically sustainable future. For citizens and for artists. The SGAE has always refused to participate.

See you there!

Help bonus already on sale (3,55€)
On line sell here

More info:

FCForum 2010

Social networking
OXCARS (Facebook)
Twitter at @fcforum_net
Identi.ca at @fcforum

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