Libre/Free Culture. For a fair and positive copyleft - copyright law. Defense of sharing and the free flow of information and knowledge.

Free Open Culture [videos & more]


Internet has multiplied the possibilities for the free distribution of information, free culture, and open access to knowledge, generating significant resistance among the minority benefiting from the economy of scarcity (management entities, major producers and distributors, conventional media, political parties, monopolies in general…).
Xnet was born in 2008 under the name EXGAE as an advisory and platform to protect citizens and artists from the abuses of SGAE and monopolies in culture and information. To achieve this, we built a set of tools and documents available in the “Free Culture Resources” section.
With the aim of normalizing free culture, we developed the Oxcars over several years, the greatest show of free culture of all time, where each year the most innovative works that contributed to affirming a culture and philosophy adapted to the digital age of sharing and using the internet as a tool to improve justice and democratic quality were showcased.
In The Best of the oXcars, you will find a summary of the best moments. We have also promoted various publications such as “Digital Free Culture” (Icaria, Asaco 2012).
Moreover, from our Free Culture Forum congress, collective documents have been produced, widely used by civil society in the fight for free culture, such as the Charter for Innovation, Creativity, and Access to Knowledge.

And we keep going…

Defense of sharing and the free flow of information, knowledge and Libre/Free Culture.
Defense of sharing and the free flow of information, knowledge and Libre/Free Culture.

The OXcars: the Greatest Libre/Free Culture Show on Earth

Clip of the oXcars 2013 (es)

Clip of the oXcars 2012

Clip of the oXcars 2011

Clip of the oXcars 2010

Clip of the oXcars 2009

Clip of the oXcars 2008

The Best of oXcars 2008-2011

Download here the clip The Best of the Oxcars in .ogg


Clip of the FCForum 2011

Charter for the Innovation

Spot of the oXcars 2011

Teddy ex-SGAE



Forum for the acces to the culture and the knowledge

The rights of the citizens and artists in the digital era

Free Culture Forum

More info:



(D’) Evolution Summit




Main nodes & interactions on “#SGAE” (Spanish collecting society) from 2012 to 2015


Presence & influence in the networks on the subject “#SGAE” (Spanish collecting society) from 2012 to 2015
1 @el_pais 1618
2 @ruthiliana46 598
3 @newsontuiter 507
4 @x_net_ 471
5 @partido_pirata 440
6 @20m 435
7 @sgaeactualidad 343
8 @sr_dios 246
9 @lavozdegalicia 240
10 @rtve 231
11 @efenoticias 186
12 @ninesgrec 156
13 @soydelbierzo 145
14 @pedraken 127
15 @fanetin 123
16 @europapress 121
17 @324cat 109
18 @abc_cultura 105
19 @voz_populi 101
20 @publico_es 83
1 @el_pais 0,0247
2 @sgaeactualidad 0,0183
3 @elmundoes 0,0097
4 @dbravo 0,0096
5 @rtve 0,0073
6 @x_net_ 0,0071
7 @efenoticias 0,0063
8 @elpais_cultura 0,0056
9 @eccultura 0,0050
10 @elconfidencial 0,0050
11 @edans 0,0049
12 @lavozdegalicia 0,0047
13 @eldiarioes 0,0038
14 @abc_es 0,0037
15 @eleconomistaes 0,0035
16 @fundacionsgae 0,0033
17 @julioalonso 0,0031
18 @adslzone 0,0031
19 @nacionred 0,0028
20 @tiolavaaraaa 0,0028