Alcaldes Caciques

Despotic Mayors

Xnet has produced this video “Despotic Mayors” with the complaints submitted by citizens to Xnet’s X-Mailbox, built to receive citizen leaks against corruption, in collaboration with the X Party‘s campaign #AlcaldesCaciques.

What you will see below is not science fiction, it doesn’t take place in a distant time -say the Middle Ages-, nor it is a remote and inaccessible place (like those we call the “third world”).

We will not talk about the big names of major corruption scandals: Barcenas, Bankia, Rodrigo Rato, Miguel Blesa, the Gurtel case, Jordi Pujol…

No, let’s talk of despotic people.
But not about them in general, but about those who exercise as Mayors.
Because without this capillary power on which big parties always depend on, the big corruption schemes would fail to raise money in every corner of the country.

The problem starts here. The mayor has more power than anyone, more than the president, more than the king, more than all the presidents of the different chambers together. According to Article 20 of the LRBRL.
The Mayor:
Runs the government and the municipal administration, he represents it; convenes and chairs the plenary; directs and inspects municipal services and constructions and their economic management; dictates public announcements; arranges credit operations; approves the instruments of urban management and urban development projects, the public jobs offer and the basis for personnel selection and dismissal; gives licences; is the head the municipal police; sets punishments for disobedience faults to his authority or for the infraction of municipal laws; appoints the Deputy Mayors.

Because in many towns citizens cannot govern themselves as it would be more beneficial.

They can only vote.



Only organised citizens can stop them.

Denounce your nearest despotic mayor.

He would do the same to you.

It works.

We dedicate this work to all the citizens that, instead of delegating their responsibility in political parties and media leaders, self-organise in order to change things. Their courage is contagious.

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