The FCforum organises the presentation of the Civil Rights Framework Initiative for the Internet (Marco Civil da Internet) at the European Parliament

European Parliament, Brussels (room A1G1) – October 27th 2010, 12:30

The “Marco Civil da Internet” is the new law proposal about Internet regulation of the Brazilian Ministry of Justice. It is a pioneering experience for the following reasons:

  • Has been made through out the citizens participation, with more that 4000 contributions.
  • It is a pioneer law in terms it balances the defense of the civil rights with defense of the consumers and citizens in terms of the use and regulation of Internet and Net Neutrality.

The promoters of this initiative from the Brazilian Ministry of Justice and the Getulio Vargas Foundation will come to Barcelona to explain us this during the FCForum, International Forum on Access to Culture and Knowledge in the Digital Era, to be held in Barcelona from the 28th till the 31st of October.

Thanks to the collaboration of the eurodeputy from Esquerra Republicana, Oriol Junqueras and from the eurodeputy of Verds-ALE, Eva Lichtenberger, the FCForum has manage to organize a session in the European parliament so that the eurodeputys get to know and take the example from the model experience in terms of the big democracy and transparency on which it has been written down, and in contents.

Check here the session’s programme.

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