Apoyo a Anoine Deltour

Support to Antoine Deltour, one of the workers who revealed #LuxLeaks

Help us spread the story for protecting him.

During its presidency of Luxembourg, the current president of the European Commission organized in Europe an international cartel of tax evaders for the largest companies in the world to allow them tax less than a ridiculous 1%, thanks to secret agreements and the cooperation of the audits. One of these audits was PWC of which the current Spanish Minister de Guindos was the CEO, as we revealed a few weeks ago from Xnet through the XMailbox.

During the last month we have discovered the details of this story, known as “Luxembourg Leaks”, thanks to an investigation carried out by by 80 journalists from 26 countries during 6 months (El Confidencial, from Spain, was one of them).

After the silence of the European Commission with regard to the international scandal and loss of legitimacy which supposed LUXLEAKS, we discover shocked that the first and only action taken by the justice is to investigate one of the workers of PWC who denounced the crimes.

Without the group of people who have denounced the crimes of Juncker’s framework, from which this is the only name that has transcended, we would never have known the extent and details of this plunder.

This person is Antoine Deltour, a young auditor whose name comes to join Manning, Assange, Snowden, Falciani … in a long list of wistleblowers whose action and commitment is tipping the scales against power and for the people. From Xnet, based on our experience with leaks and our work with our Mailbox for leaks against corruption we are these days working on the protection of Antoine Deltour and spread of his story, since the function of our international platform PILA is to federate competences between the networks of wistleblowers worldwide.

Right now his security does not depend on his anonymity but on the contrary, it depends on the public support. For that reason he decided to talk in this first and only interview in the journal Liberatión.

From Xnet we ask for your help spread the story so he is not left alone.

We share the statement to request for help that was released this morning and we ask you to dedicate one minute to visit the website and show your support to Antoine Deltour along with all of us who are already doing it, members of PILA: Xnet association and his collaborators, 15MpaRato and X Party; Hervé Falciani, Stephanie Gibaud, William Bourdon, Gerard Ryle, Edwy Plenel…

Antoine Deltour is the chief whistleblower in the Luxleaks 1, which has recently revealed a huge system of tax-saving maneuvers created by dozens of big international companies. At present he is being sued by the Luxembourg justice.

He accepts responsibility for having copied hundreds of “tax rulings” or tax deals negotiated by the Luxembourg tax authorities on behalf of international companies. Hundreds of billions of euros are vanishing from these companies ‘home countries’ or other places in which they actually operate. These huge sums of money are actually being transferred to countries that allow many of them to slash their global tax bills, notably Luxembourg. The magnitude of these aggressive tax schemes had never been brought to light until now, and has never before been so precisely delineated.

No one expected the revelations to have such an impact. By bringing the tax rulings matter as far as the worldwide governing authorities, such as the G20 or the European Community, they encouraged the development of new policies that will gradually lead to a better fiscal justice.

Antoine Deltour acted in a completely disinterested manner, without any malicious intent. His goal was never to make money out of the information he found. He only wanted to encourage a public debate on ethically reprehensible practices. His civic act falls within a wide movement driven by many citizens, small business owners, other whistleblowers, trade unions, NGOs, journalists, political parties and even international organizations, all of them determined to act against the lack of transparency in offshore finance and in favor of more social justice.

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