Looking forward to the second edition of the FCForum, the International Forum on Access to Culture and Knowledge in the Digital Era – Organization and Action (FCForum) , that will take place in Barcelona from the 28th till the 31st of October, constant support demonstrations and contributions go on to the work of this civilian platform that systematizes the legal and economical proposals for a more beneficial digital era for all citizens, artists and entrepreneurs.
Castellano: Richard Stallman se adhiere a la Carta para la Innovación, la Creatividad y el Acceso al Conocimiento
Català: Richard Stallman s’adhereix a la Carta per a la Innovació, la creativitat i l’accés al coneixement.
Today we can announce that Richard Stallman has endorse the Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge. Stallman initiated the free software movement with the launch of the GNU Project, he also founded the Free Software Foundation (FSF) and he pioneered the concept of copyleft. He has contributed on a substantial and exhaustive way on the last redaction of the Charter, its actual version 2.0.1.
Richar Stallman will also collect this year’s FCForum’s conclusions -which title is New Models of Sustainability on the Digital Era– , and will contribute on it’s last drafting.
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