We explain our position on Advertising Technology or #adtech.
1/ Privacy by design and by default, no personalized advertising by default. Only optional receipt of personalized ads with data provided voluntarily by the user. How?
2/ Explicit consent by the user to receive advertisements: freely given through browser settings or alike, not vitiated, without forcing or manipulating it through suspicious pop-ups. No massive opt-in.
3/ Remove third-party tracking: Do not extract data from users; only data freely provided may be used to display personalized advertising.
4/ Let’s not get confused, the problem is not in personalized advertising. This already exists: for example, on TV, advertising goes by time slots; in a magazines, by type of topics, etc. The problem lies in the tracking of personal data and its use for profiling.
5/ Interoperability rules (taking information from one platform to another) for users to address consent fatigue, not for data to be transferred to other services.
6/ Regulation should NOT differ between online and offline, or for political, issue-based and commercial advertising and content, nor should it apply only during specific time periods ( electoral campaigns). Obviously, this regulation should not limit freedom of expression and debate, i.e. ->
7/ As we already explained in our book #FakeYou: ANY content circulating mediated by payment is a business and must be brought to light, all actors are in the obligation and duty to verify the content, which in case of business/propaganda/institutions does not fall under freedom of speech.
8/ It is essential to force large producers and viralisers of information (governments, institutions, political parties, mass media, corporations, etc.) to ensure transparency regarding payments and charges for the dissemination of content and information, both online and offline. For this, Xnet has already designed a law ;).
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