SGAE accepts the invitation and come to the FCForum as an Observer

After the massive reaction from the civil society (110000 visits in only one day) in front of the posibility that the main Spanish collecting Society, SGAE, could sue EXGAE, and after the second press release of EXGAE in which it reaffirms its rejection against the legal pressures but also it’s constant openness to dialog with all parts, the legal services from the collecting society contact this citizen’s platform. On that call, the lawyer Ricardo Gómez Cabaleiro, communicate to us that to be interested on this  dialogue approach.

Castellano: La SGAE acepta la invitación y vendrá al FCForum como un Observador más
Català: La SGAE accepta la invitació i vindrà al Fcforum com un Observador més

This marks the opening of a channel of communication among both.

As we do every year we’ve invited all the agents involved on the development in the digital era issues to attend as observers to the FCForum, a citizen’s forum for the access to culture and knowledge. On this new atmosphere SGAE have first accepted independently of how is all going to happen with the sue.

The FCForum is an international arena in wich to build and coordinate action around issues related to free/libre culture and access to knowledge.The FCForum brings together key organizations and active voices in the spheres of free/libre culture and knowledge, and provides a meeting point where we can find answers to the pressing questions behind the current paradigm shift. The FCForum 2010, will take place in Barcelona from the 28th till the 31st. This year’s FCForum’s main topic is “New Models of Sustainability on the Digital Era”.

The methodology consists on working together for creating legal and practical proposals for a fair development. The forum is open for any citizen but for making interventions we will set a priority of duties with the experts invited and with the ones we’ve build the central nucleus of the proposals.

There are 3 levels of participation in the FCForum:

  1. Active participant: experts and organizations that have been working with us over the past year to define the structure of the proposals and the main focus of the Forum.
  2. Participant:
  3. any interested citizen or organisation will be entitled to contribute to the discussion after listening to and absorbing the dynamics and contributions of the active participants. Remember that the FCForum is not a showcase for projects and we have limited time, so only contributions that are directly connected to the topics under discussion will be accepted.

  4. Observer: individuals or organisations that already have their own forums for debate and public platforms. They are welcome to attend the forum and listen to the experts, but their contributions will only be welcome if they do not polarize the debate or reappropriate it for objectives other than that of creating civil proposals that benefit the whole. This group includes political parties, institutions, European committees, government representatives from other countries, collecting society and other organisations.

One of the working tables will deal specifically with the collecting societies issue.
The starting material for the debate has already been compile in a more than 200 texts bibliography:

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