Xnet and other 72 other civil society organizations from the 5 continents send a letter to the European Telecom Regulators asking them to uphold net neutrality in the current negotiations about the future of the Open Internet in the European Union.
The Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communication (BEREC) and the 28 telecom regulators are currently negotiating guidelines that will clarify the recently adopted net neutrality law in the EU.
“A wrong interpretation of the law not upholding net neutrality unambiguosuly would undermine freedom of expression and the innovative and democratic potential of the Internet in Europe.”
Simona Levi, Xnet
The letter signatories urge BEREC to adopt guidelines give real meaning to this goal, including:
- Careful consideration of so-called “Specialized Services”;
- The reaffirmation that zero rating practices, which are anticompetitive, harm innovation and restrict users freedom of choice; and
- Strictly non-discriminatory traffic management and a clear statement opposing intrusive traffic management that would restrict internet users’ privacy.
Letter – Global open civil society letter to the Body of European Regulators of Electronic Communication (BEREC) in support of strong net neutrality guidelines:
In this regard, Xnet and EDRi on behalf of the SaveTheInternet coalition will meet this Friday with the Spanish Telecom Regulator, the CNMC, to expose our position on how the European TSM Regulation must be interpreted to effectively protect net neutrality, answer their doubts and hear their opinion on the issue. More info soon ;)
More info:
Save The Internet campaign
RespectMyNet, online platform to report net neutrality violations
European Parliament fails to provide a strong regulation to unambiguously protect net neutrality
Save Net Neutrality in Europe: next steps
Written response to BEREC stakeholder dialogue with representatives of end-users/consumers and civil society
Spanish government attacks Internet in Europe
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