EXGAE cambia de nombre a Xnet

Don’t get FaXtidious, if you find them a bit biaXed, eXtricate yourself: EXGAE changes its name

EXasperated with eXgae (now Xnet), they (the SGAE, main royalties management society in Spain) issued an official fax on August 2nd, 2010, demanding our eXtinction within a maXimum period of seven days. Failure to meet this demand, they went on, would lead to a lawsuit being filed against us for infringement of trademark and patent law, unfair competition, damage to their image and honour and a few more things they had up their sleeve.

The eXplosive reaction that flooded the Internet in our support, led the SGAE’s legal department to contact us eXtrajudicially (that is, by phone), declaring themselves eXcited by the possibility of entering into dialogue. At that eXact moment, we realized the eXtraordinary collective value of the voiceless velar plosive “K” ;-)

Castellano: Si tienes un FaXtidio, si son algo seSGAdos, deXmárcate: EXGAE cambia de nombre
Català: Si tens un faXtigueig, si són una mica esbiaiXats, deXmarca’t: EXGAE canvia de nom

This eXtravagant situation allowed us to eXtrapolate innovative pros and cons of possible counter-strategies:

A) Face a series of lawsuits initiated against us by the SGAE for trademarks, patents, and everything-else, which could eXtend over several years, and turn out to be eXtraordinarily costly in terms of time, money and energy. This would ultimately achieve zero benefits for the community: at best we would end up with the same thing that we have now, and the eXhibition of a name… This strategy would favour the objectives of the SGAE and our alienation would be ineXcusable.

B) Take advantage of the situation as an opportunity to make demands that could turn out to be a Xpectacular boost for some of the battles that so many people have been engaged in for so long, in which EXGAE tries to do our bit. Clearly, the benefits to be gained from opening up a new landscape are eXceedingly greater than the arguable benefits of featuring in newspaper headlines as victims of such an eXcentric and eXtemporaneous lawsuit. The answer was obvious.

Take Advantage of the change of attitude to give an Xpectacular boost to some of the battles that so many people have been engaged in for so long, in which EXGAE tries to do our bit.

Clearly, the benefits to be gained from opening up a new landscape are eXceedingly greater than the arguable benefits of featuring in newspaper headlines as victims of such an eXcentric and eXtemporaneous lawsuit. The answer was obvious.

So: EXGAE will change its name and The SGAE eXcludes any intention to sue, getting engaged to eXplain at length in a dialogue that will take place during Spring 2011, about an historic demand of civil society: free licences for members, non-members and users.

EXGAE believes in focusing once again on what civil society has been demanding during many years and contribute to community participation, accelerating the inevitable change, which will go viral internationally.

We can change, and we are still here. What about them… can they change? eXcuses will no longer do. All of us together will make this come true.

We thank everybody who offered to sacrifice their money and efforts in an eXhausting lawsuit with no guarantee of suXess.

As the Net itself has suggested, we are better off saving these resources and investing them in the defense of the rights of authors and citizens, the defense of the Internet, and to strike blows against the Sinde Law in Spain.

We are now entering on Xtand-by mode for two months to prepare everything.

We will keep you updated.

How can you contact us?
eX, as always
eX the same

EX keeps the best part of EXGAE.
The X in Multiply
The X in For all audiences
The X in Art and Partake

Don’t get FaXtidious, if you find them a bit biaXed, eXtricate yourself

For anything else, call us Xnet


To know more about our point of view Read here Questions posed by the devil

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