On Wednesday, October 9, we are organizing an event to learn about experiences and build the future..
October 9 – 4D, Democratic Digitalization and Digital Rights
The Sónar Festival of digital rights ;)
Organized by Xnet and Fundació.cat in COAC, pl. de la Catedral.
With the collaboration of El Mundo Today / Polònia/Està Passant/Minoria Absoluta / Birra 08 / The Juice Media / Parti Collective
Noyb / Civio/ Ai Forensics / La Quadrature du Net/ Simona Levi / Genís Roca / Lorena Jaume-Palasí / Carme Colomina / Míriam Hatibi / Josep M. Ganyet / Albert Cuesta / Sophie Bloemen / Carolina Caeiro / Irídia / Jana Jubert / PiLP / Digital Freedom Fund / ObservatoriTAS / Free Knowledge Institute / IuRe / Arnau Monterde / Amnistia Internacional Catalunya
With the live podcast of Ana Pacheco & Andrea Gumes
ALL THE INFO: https://4d.cat/en/conference/
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