Luis de Guindos en #Luxleaks

The role of Minister Luis de Guindos in #LuxLeaks

Citizens studying the papers on LuxLeaks write to us to bring to our attention the connection between the Minister of Economy Luis de Guindos and the exposed tax evasion scheme

The ICIJ (International Consortium of Investigative Journalists), in an investigation with the participation of 80 journalists from 26 countries over a period of 6 months (El Confidencial is the only member of Spanish media that participated), published one of the leaks of the year: the “Luxembourg leaks”. The papers show that – as the X Party had already denounced – Juncker, candidate for the PPSOE in the latest European elections and current president of the European Commission, is the tax havens’ candidate.

During his Presidency in Luxembourg, he turned the country into an operations’ base for a network, which, thanks to secret agreements, arranged for hundreds of the world’s largest businesses to be taxed less than a ridiculous 1%.

Chart of the LuxLeaks Corruption

Chart of the LuxLeaks Corruption (Source: Le Monde)

One of the ringleaders for this arrangement, the PwC Company, also designed the structure that allowed thirty businesses to elude taxes in Spain.

The diagram of this plot for the sacking of Europe contained one fundamental piece: once again, the “big four”, the four large audit firms responsible for the scam they call “crisis”.

And who, in Spain, was the head of PwC in 2008-2010?


The resume of Luis de Guindos is endless. He was named Minister of Economy, an award bestowed on him by his own for his role in the collapse of the world economy at Lehman Brothers in 2008.

We now know that:

  • Either the minister is an incompetent in his post of financial director for PwC Spain, completely blind about what was going on
  • Or Mr. Minister engages in international tax evasion schemes.

Meanwhile, at this very moment, the Minister shows surprise at the information revealed by #LuxLeaks, making a display of utmost hypocrisy.

We ask for help from the citizens to continue sifting through the revealed documents for any implications within Spain. Conclusions can be sent to XnetLeaks, managed by Xnet, with the collaboration of 15MpaRato and the X Party’s Anti-Corruption Commission.

It was in this way we came to find this connection between the Luxembourg papers and the Minister of Economy for the Mariano Rajoy government. For this reason, we would like to thank the anonymous citizen who informed us of this, and to make a reminder that we, the citizens, are the most powerful intelligence agency.

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