
2010 oXcars and FCForum

As many of you already know, the OXCARS festival took place last Thursday at the Apolo. More than 2000 people attended. Here you have some pictures and very soon a short movie.

During the following days, at the Free Culture Forum, the citizen’s analog network, organizations and active voices of the Free/libre Culture and Knowledge world debated and went depth together about the new models of sustainability on the digital era.

Català: oXcars i FCForum 2010
Castellano: oXcars y FCForum 2010

This generated quite a lot of press. Of Course, we are talking about the future-present ;-]

Here there are the videos of the conferences and the debates

If during the 4 hours of the OXCARS, 1.000 people connected the streaming, more than a thousand followed the broadcast of the Free Culture Forum on the 29th , 30th and 31st.

Attending the demand of some of you, the link to the text EXGAE presented at the Fcforum: “Let’s talk about money

The FCForum network is elaborating the conclusions and the practical tools derived from this debate, which will be finish by the end of the year.

Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for the Digital Agenda, has announced that she will follow the results of the Free Culture Forum. LINK

The events were broadcast live via streaming simultaneously with free and proprietary software so everyone could follow the content smoothly. Free browsers ousted owners: Internet Explorer last place ;-). We are winning

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